The 50 Most Anticipated American Films of 2018 -From Filmmaker Magazine

Last year I put together a list of my 50 most anticipated American films of 2017, and this year the fine folks at Filmmaker invited me back for a new edition.

Before we get started, I’ll share some quick notes about methodology. First, this list is entirely the work of one person. It’s not aggregated through dozens of industry insiders or compiled via ballots or anything fancy like that. As a result, I’m sure it’s woefully incomplete. I have no doubt that there are still a bunch of American films out there waiting to be discovered that will bowl me over in this new year.

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Another warning — this list is also going to look quite different from most “Most Anticipated Films” lists you might come across on the internet. I’ll admit a bias — I’m most excited by new voices: films that feel like discoveries. Films that, above all, feel personal — that are pushing at the form and language and boundaries of cinema. That’s not to say you won’t find a few studio films on here (or new works by veteran filmmakers). But you’ll definitely need to seek out another list to read about the latest Marvel and Star Wars movies.  Complete Article
